S11-01 08

The new social power of stakeholders: The current activist practices that are shaping corporate social conduct


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Alexandra MiguelCentro de Investigação e Estudos De Sociologia - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
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Sandra MirandaEscola Superior de Comunicação Social - Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa


Phenomena like the current and enormous social inequalities and environmental catastrophes, combined with factors such as the spread of globalization, the greater social and economic power of companies and the emergence and expansion of new media, made stakeholders not only more socially aware but also more demanding about the role of companies in improving the sociopolitical problems of today’s world.

Much more empowered than ever, largely due to the use of digital technologies, stakeholders increasingly make their claims heard to companies through activist actions, whose main objective is to affect organizations’ social conducts by threatening its reputation and/or value. Such movements include anti-brand activism, encompassing well-known practices such as boycotts, anti-brand communities and culture-jamming, as well as anti-consumption movements, and the recent so-called “cancel culture”. All these forms of stakeholder activism target corporations and their brands seeking to unmask immoral corporate practices, force companies to adopt more responsible conducts, or warn about the consequences of unbridled consumption.

In this way, the intensification of stakeholder activism over the last decades has managed to change the prospects of power in the market, allowing these groups to interfere with all corporate activities and public positions of brands, and urging companies to improve their social conducts and invest in the defense and improvement of relevant sociopolitical causes. Nevertheless, there are also some concerns related to the democratic nature and effectiveness of these strategies in the field of business, since the non-egalitarian nature of markets may set aside minority interests or unattractive causes, the imposing character of activist movements can impede critical thinking, and the possible ephemerality of these movements may not lead to effective social change.

This theoretical investigation will explore how stakeholders have gained greater power to pressure businesses to improve their internal practices and to adopt public stances in relation to the most varied sociopolitical issues, having as main purposes: investigate the growing power of stakeholders in the social orientation of companies and in the definition of their corporate social responsibility conduct and activist campaigns; explore the current practices through which stakeholders exercise social power over companies, giving concrete examples of how these groups are influencing corporate social conduct; discuss the broader benefits and criticisms of applying social practices, such as activist actions, in the corporate context; and draw conclusions about the way in which the notion of citizenship is currently embedded in the relationship between companies and stakeholders. At a methodological level, this investigation is formed as a narrative literature review, based on prominent articles published in this field of expertise and drawn from scientifically recognized databases, as well as in concrete examples taken from official sources of information, such as newspapers or websites of recognized organizations.

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      Zhenxiang Zhao

      Comentó el 29/04/2023 a las 23:39:57

      Thank you very much for sharing your research, for making us understand the role of stakeholders in the development of a vital attitude and social commitment from their activist practices. Through their artistic discourses, their have encouraged the questioning of consumer society and culture.

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        Alexandra Miguel

        Comentó el 01/05/2023 a las 17:42:00

        Hi Zhenxiang, thank you very much for your comment! Without a doubt, stakeholder activist movements are shaping markets and contributing to more ethical institutions.

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      Rabi Alsarayreh

      Comentó el 12/04/2023 a las 01:19:42

      the second question is about Anti Brand Activism ,There are many international companies working to violate the workers right in poor countries. Is it possible to implement this policy in these countries? Sometimes their governments are complicit with these giant corporations
      Thank you very much for this wonderful presentation.

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        Alexandra Miguel

        Comentó el 13/04/2023 a las 16:04:06

        Hi Rabi, regarding the second question: unfortunately, in some countries there are still many situations of injustice that are not so easy to overcome, and in which social movements are also not so easy to implement, either because of the difficulty of establishing themselves (for example, due to prohibitive organizational or government policies ), or for not being able to communicate their activist causes to a large part of the population. Fortunately, nowadays, with online communication, more and more of these situations can be exposed inside and outside the country where they occur, and it has a greater capacity to obtain national and also international support. We believe and hope that, in the near future, these practices will manage to be increasingly implemented in all countries and raise awareness of situations such as the one you mention.

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      Rabi Alsarayreh

      Comentó el 12/04/2023 a las 01:19:20

      Hi Sandra, I'm rabi alsarayreh a PhD student in university of Seville. first of all, thanks for this sensitive topic, which raises very important points for communities
      I have two questions if you please.
      The first question is a bit long about the employees working for these companies mentioned in this research. In fact, we have a problem that we suffer from in my country, Jordan, and it is the issue of teachers in private schools. Not all schools, of course, but many of them force teachers to work for them at less than the minimum wage imposed From the government, and if one of the teachers objects, he will dismissed immediately, so that these schools perform a trick, which is to transfer the maximum wage to the teacher bank account, and when the employee takes it, he returns part of it to the school, and if he does not do that, he will loses His job. The question is how to solve such problems if we reflect on the research you wrote?

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        Alexandra Miguel

        Comentó el 13/04/2023 a las 15:56:52

        Hi Rabi, thank you for your thoughts. Regarding this problem, social movements are increasingly able to change the conduct of companies. The greater scrutiny of the conduct of companies, combined with the greater ease of sharing unfair situations on social networks and other means of communication, often lead to changes in social or internal policies. However, in order to gain prominence in the organizational panorama and even in politics, it is important that stakeholder groups organize themselves internally, clearly identifying the problem and even proposing solutions, bridging the "intention-gap" between intention and behaviors.

        Thank you!

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      María José Vicente Vicente

      Comentó el 10/04/2023 a las 15:54:57

      Estimados compañeros, gracias por su aportación. Estoy trabajando sobre la Business Intelligence (BI), destacando el mayor desafío que concierne a la calidad de los datos. Si estos son inexactos o incompletos, los resultados del análisis también lo serán. Asimismo, también puede suponer un desafío el integrar datos de diferentes fuentes y garantizar su seguridad, sobre todo a la luz de las últimas modificaciones legales que han surgido en varios ámbitos, de las cuales queremos destacar el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos de ámbito europeo (RGPD, o GDPR por sus más conocidas siglas en inglés).
      ¿Cómo creen que van a ser los cambios en cuanto a generación de opinión con los últimos movimientos que vemos en este ámbito?
      Gracias y saludos cordiales

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        Alexandra Miguel

        Comentó el 13/04/2023 a las 15:47:02

        Dear María José, thank you for your comment and thoughts. Undoubtedly, the collection, organization, analysis, sharing and monitoring of information is an important tool for stakeholder movements and opinion-building. The more structured the data, the more easily social movements, such as those presented in this paper, will be able to create a well-formed opinion and transmit it to new supporters. The diversification of sources is also important, in order to obtain a more complete picture of the situations that trigger these movements. However, although stakeholders have access to a more diverse amount of data, it is also becoming increasingly challenging to distinguish between reliable sources and false information. In certain cases, opinion formation can be biased by inaccurate information, hence the need to analyze the accuracy and completeness of the data. Data protection can operate both for and against these movements: on the one hand, data protection policies, such as the GDPR, can help these movements to operate outside the control of companies; on the other hand, it can also prevent them from attracting more supporters, because these messages are usually transmitted outside of mainstream channels, and often require the collection of personal data.

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